Wednesday 27 July 2011

I've been chosen for an Etsy treasury!

My pebble cuflinks have been included in an Etsy treasury - hooray!  A big thank you to CuffLinqUnCommon who curated it.

The treasury showcases cufflinks with no moving parts. Why not take a look? It's fascinating to see the different designs and the clever way jewellers manage to make something that is not only beautiful, but does a very important job too.

Here's a link to the treasury:

While you're there, take time to have a good old browse through some of the amazing hand made treasures on Etsy. There are some very talented people out there!

My cufflinks are very simple, but effective. To make them I heated 3g of silver until it formed a pebble shape for the front, did the same with 2g for the back and soldered both to 1cm of 2mm sterling silver round wire.

It just goes to show, things don't have to be complicated and that's just the way I like it!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Ahh, summer is upon us...

It's July although you wouldn't really notice! The garden should be teeming with life, honey and bumble bees flying, beetles and grasshoppers in the grass, but it's too blinking cold. I miss them, so I've made a few little silver ones with golden eyes to compensate. They're all available from my website.

Friday 18 March 2011

Setting up shop!

Today I'm setting up my etsy shop... soon my jewellery will be available at the click of a mouse...hooray!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Finally. after a battle with technology, I've got my website up and running:

Jewellery tools are far more fun than web tools!
Why not take a look?

Friday 23 July 2010

Inspired by driftwood and pebbles, these beautiful bangles are easy to wear and look fabulous stacked. The more the merrier!